Accommodation and transportation services near the OECD in Paris

Location: OECD Headquarters, 2 Rue André Pascal, 16th arrondissement, 75016, Paris.

Nearest public transport stations: La Muette (line 9), Avenue Henri Martin (RER C) and Octave Feuillet (bus 63). For information on how to get around in Paris, check the RATP website.

Airports: Charles de Gaulle and Orly are the main airports near Paris. Please check the Paris Info website for more information on how to get to the city from there.

Weather: May is a lovely month in Paris, with summer just around the corner. The temperatures range from 11 to 20 °C (52 to 68 °F). It is typically a wet month (average rainfall of 26mm), but sunny days are also expected.

Hotels: OECD negotiated special rates with several hotel establishments in Paris. See the complete list below:

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